Latest News

Ji Gen Kan Dojo has moved to Trysull pavillion. classes will be on Tuesday evening 7:30pm to 9:00pm from 1st September 2024.

Shun Poo Kan Grading course 5th November 2023

Congratulations and well done to:

Ben Muscutt 1st kyu

Ian Botherway 1st Dan

Geoff Cartwright 3rd Dan

Helene Brockless 3rd Dan

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For 2022 course dates see Courses section of the website

Please note the Alliance course on the 9/11/2019 has been cancelled due to double booking of the venue

Sensei Tim Lee with Mouliko Halen 7th Dan at Sunyata Dojo, Heggedal, Norway

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Shun Poo Kan Grading course 8/9/19

Very enjoyable Dan Grading course today.

Congratulations to:

Spencer Davies 1st Dan


Next Alliance course 9th November 2019

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Shun Poo Kan Grading course 23rd June 2019

Good Kyu grading course today.

Congratulations to

James Cooke - 3rd Kyu

Bobby Trow - 4th Kyu

Spring Bank Holiday Closure

The Monday evening Class at Trysull on 27th May 2019 is closed due to Spring Bank Holiday.

Alliance course on Saturday 18th of May 2019

A good day with plenty to take home and think about. Friendly welcome and a good opportunity to catch up with old friends.

Don't miss your chance to be involved, the next alliance course date is Saturday 9th November 2019. Pop it in your diary!

Congratulations to:

Claire Burrows on completing the London Marathon 2019. She raised nearly £2000 for Charity. Well done Claire!

Easter Closure

Don't forget we are closed Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Monday.

That's the 19th, 21st and 22nd of April 2019

Great Dan Grading course today!

Congratulations to:

Gavin Rose 1st Dan

Alexander Austin 1st Dan

SPK Dan Grading course Sun 14th April 2019.

Everyone welcome! 10.00am start.

Trysull Pavilion Woodford Lane Trysull Wolverhampton WV5 7HP.

Welcome Back

Sensei Evans and Sensei Lee along with Spencer Davis, Tim Daryle Jones, Chris Ingle, Ben Muscatt and Ben Elwell. They have returned to Shun Poo Kan after another very sucessfull and enjoyable trip to Hombu in March 2019.

Sensei Evans blog and a selection of photos can be seen on Shun Poo Kan UK-Aikido facebook page.

Here are a couple of photos to wet your appetite!

Photo with Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba (head of the Aikikai)

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Photo with Miyamoto 8th dan Shihan

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Next Alliance Course

SAT, 18 MAY AT 10:00 May 2019 Aikikai Alliance Course alt text

Course date announcement for 2019

10:00 Sun FEB 17 SPK Kyu Grading Course

10:00 Sun APR 14 SPK Dan Grading Course

10:00 Sun JUN 23 SPK Kyu Grading Course

10:00 Sun SEP 8 SPK Dan Grading Course

10:00 Sun NOV 10 SPK Kyu Grading Course

From Sunday's grading course 11th November .

Congratulations to Barnaby Pine 6th Kyu pass Omu Davies 4th Kyu pass. Also Mike Forster and Jason Williams were presented with their 4th dan certificates from Hombu Dojo Tokyo alt text alt text alt text

Richard Webb 5th Dan Shidoin

We regret to announce the passing of Richard Webb 5th Dan Shidoin. As one of our senior instructors he had been with Shun Poo Kan for over 25 years and he will be sorely missed by his students and fellow instructors

SPK North Carolina

Very honored that Shunpookan Aikido was asked to assist with security at Bishop TD Jakes event in Shelby NC. (Gardner Webb University - Boiling Springs). Thank you to Rob Henderson and Raynor Wilkie for putting in a long day to ensure this A List VIP celebrity was well protected alt text


To Christian on passing his 2nd, and to Robert and Raynor passing their 1st Dan gradings alt text

SPK at the 2017 BAB National Course

Shihan Brian Burrows 7th Dan Aikikai Teaching at the (Uke is also our own Sensei Paul Evans 5th Dan) alt text (this fantastic picture belongs to Barbara Sotowicz)

Calling all old friends

It’s the 40th SPK Anniversary course! Would be great to see you there! See if you can get to the Dojo - also coming up is alt text

Fun in Spain

SPK’s Tim Lee with Sensei Dominic Pierre 7th Dan Karate, 6th Dan Aikikai, Kenjutsu, Mark Thompson 4th dan Aikikai, (Bristol) at the Mutokukai summer school, near Barcelona with Stephane Bennedetti 7th Dan Aikikai, July/August this year. The Aikido sign behind them was created by the late Arakawa Sensei personally for Stephane alt text

We are not sunk yet

Great fun with the folks from North Carolina SPK on the rafting trip alt text

One for the history books, Don Pybus

Start of Wigan Aikido @ Wigan Boys & Girls Club, July 1971

Don Pybus 1971

Forthcoming North Carolina Trip September 2017

alt text Some of our UK members will be paying a visit to our friends at Shun Poo Kan North Carolina It's not too late to join the trip so get in touch if your'e interested

Outside the Dojo in Gastonia

Congratulations to all those who passed gradings today

SPK Course 26/6/17

Ben Hunter 6th kyu

Rose Fowkes 6th kyu

Colin Rocke-Wharin 5th Kyu

Jacob Helm 5th Kyu

Lisa Williamson 3rd kyu

Great course on Sunday 23.04.2017

Congratulations to

Geoff Cartwright 2nd Dan

Rob Goulden 1st Dan

Well done

Our next grading course is 25.06.2017 this is a Kyu grading

SPK Hombu March 2017

Shun Poo Kan are at Hombu March 2017

SPK Course 26th February 2017

SPK Course 26021017

Congratulations to:

Spencer Davies 1st KYU

Ian Botherway 5th KYU

Some pictures from our last few classes, hope to see you on the mat soon. Sunday 12 Friday 27

* Congratulations! *

Our warmest congratulations to our principle Shihan Brian Burrows who received his 7th Dan promotion from the Doshu in Tokyo last month.

Receiving his 7th Dan from the Doshu

Receiving his 7th Dan from the Doshu

Receiving his 7th Dan from the Doshu

Receiving his 7th Dan from the Doshu

Grading results from 21.02.2016

Well done to the following for passing their respective grading

Gregory Squires 5th kyu

Gavin Rose 4th kyu

Warren Hadley 3rd kyu

Mark Meredith 3rd kyu

Spencer Davis 2nd kyu

Troy Bodkin 1st kyu


To Brian Burrows on his promotion to Shihan and to 7th Dan,

and also to Paul Evans promoted to 5th Dan

as of 10th January 2016.

Well done - congratulations to the following on passing their grades;

Daniel Ward 5 kyu ,

Duncan Peak 4 kyu

lisa Williamson 4kyu

Adam Goulden 4 kyu

Greg Holland 1 kyu

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Aikido Kampala Renbukan in Uganda

October 2015 Sensei Paul Evans was lucky enough to visit Aikido Kampala Renbukan Dojo in Uganda. Aikido Kampala Renbukan

North Carolina Trip

October 2015 Some of our UK members paid a visit to our friends at Shun Poo Kan North Carolina

Outside the Dojo in Gastonia

Congratulations to the following - who passed their grading;

Chris fisher 2nd Dam

Tim Daryle Jones 2nd Dan

Hélène Brockless 1st Dan

Dont forget the Sedgley class has now moved to our Trysull venue. Times remain unchanged. Hope to see you there soon!

Great grading day course Sunday 26/04/2015


Well done to the following who passed their respective Dan grades:

Jason Williams 3rd Dan

Mike Forster 3rd Dan

Matt McCoughlin 2nd Dan

Geoff Cartwright 1st Dan

Welcome back!

Allan Roberts who has decided to continue with his Aikido career.

ShunPooKan in Japan

Some of our members have visited Hombu and have sent these pictures of their trip

Here they are with the Doshu

With the Doshu

Outside Hombu

Outside Hombu

The Aiki Shrine at Iwama

Aiki Shrine 1

Aiki Shrine 2

Well done - congratulations to

Ben Muscatt 2nd kyu

Shawn Holmes 5th kyu

for passing their respective grades

Breaking News!!!!!! Shun Poo Kan aikido is moving in the new year from Westfield School to our new home! We will now be training in the Trysull pavilions! The post code is WV57HP. Make it your New Years resolution to visit and train with us.

2nd November Course News Article

This Kyū-grade course was tightly scheduled, with eight candidates putting themselves forward for examination. Burrows Sensei began the course, followed by several of our instructors.

There were many participants who stood up to uke for candidates, and after the tests, Burrow Sensei reminded everyone that they should feel free to stand up as uke, even a kyū-grade standing up as uke for a dan-grade applicant, since part of the applicant’s test is that they should modify their techniques to take into account their uke’s ability to receive ukemi, which of course, is a different matter from the practical application of techniques should you unfortunately find yourself in the position of being attacked in ‘real life.’

Whilst the Grading Committee retired to consider its judgements, Lee Sensei demonstrated variations of ko te gaeshi: showing how it can be applied at jō dan and ge dan levels.

Results were, as can be expected, mixed, with some candidates being not yet ready for promotion, and certain others shining out. Commiserations to those who were not successful on this occasion, and as Burrows Sensei reminds us, if you fail a test and give up, you have been defeated by yourself: if you fail a test and continue to practice, you are on the road to success and bigger and better things, not only in your Aikido life, but in the whole of your life.

Minna san, ganbatte. (Translates as “Keep up the fight/Do your best, everyone!”)

Latest grading news!

Well done to the following that passed their grading today ( 02.11.2014 ).

Shawn Holmes 6 kyu

Matthew Thompson 4 kyu

Glen Leech and Spencer Davis 3 kyu

Christopher Ingle 2 kyu

Sukvinder Grewal 1 kyu

Congratulations from us all to Karen and Sean on their wedding day 24th September

Great grading course on 07.09.2014 Our only kyu grade applicant passed his 6th kyu

Well done to Alan Perry

Kyu Grading Course Wombourne, 15th June 2014

The mat was pretty full on a muggy Sunday morning, with members from as far away as Wigan joining us for the Course, as well as some of our younger members enjoying the chance to practice with (to them) new members. Sensei Burrows led the Course, assisted by Sensei Webb and Evans, then after the short break, eight members graded from 6th Kyu up to 1st. The day started with Sensei Burrows reminding members about some of those aspects of dojo etiquette which may appear strange to those unfamiliar with Aikido and Japanese culture, especially those who are more recent members.

The Sensei demonstrated fine points of the whole gamut of Aikido techniques, including being sure to use the hips to aid in breaking your uke’s posture, maintaining an upright posture, dealing with extreme differences in height (han-mi, han-dachi) and how the techniques are linked to swordsmanship. During the gradings, candidates demonstrated their knowledge of not only Aikido, but also bokken work such as the eight direction cuts, and jo work with the twenty jo suburi.

Towards the end of the course, successful candidates received their certificates, including Matthew McLoughlin who received his Honbu Shodan certificate from April’s Dan Grading Course. Congratulations to all who passed their grading.

Matthew Thompson 6 kyu

Xan Cartwright 5kyu Mark Merredith 5kyu Ben Elwell 5kyu John Caswell 5kyu

Paul Griffiths 4kyu Warren Hadley 4kyu

Luke Willams 2kyu

Geoff Cartwright 1kyu

Hope to see you all at the next course.

We are very pleased to be awarded full Hombu Recognition

We are pleased to be awarded full Hombu Recognition

Please note that the Bridgnorth training venue has now changed to the Much Wenlock Leisure Centre

Class Times are now:

Much Wenlock Leisure Centre

Thursdays 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm